BRAND Macro Cuvettes, PS, 500 Pack

BRAND Macro Cuvettes, PS, 500 Pack

BRAND Macro Cuvettes, PS, 500 Pack


PS Cuvettes

BRAND is world-renowned as the producer of premium disposable cuvettes.  Each and every BRAND cuvette benefits from their nearly thirty years of experience manufacturing cuvettes to the most exacting standards for reproducible results.

BRAND's plastic cuvettes are manufactured from the highest quality virgin resins for highest optical quality and are an excellent choice for most spectrophotometry applications in the visible range.  Manufactured from polystyrene (PS) or polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), they provide accurate, reliable results.  Choose PS for determinations above 340nm, and where cost is a concern.  When performing assays above 300nm, choose PMMA.  (For wavelengths below 300nm, see our UV-cuvettes).  These disposable cuvettes are available in macro and semi-micro sizes to accommodate most sample volumes and are compatible with most spectrophotometers and photometers.  All BRAND cuvettes are manufactured from scratch-resistant materials, and are grouped by manufacturing mold cavity number to ensure the lowest variation in extinction coefficient..


  • Easy to use: BRAND plastic disposable cuvettes include an arrow mark to indicate direction of transmission and reduce variation. 
  • Options for most needs: PS and PMMA cuvettes are available in both macro and semi-micro sizes to adapt to the needs of most laboratory applications. Semi-micro cuvettes require only 1.5mL of sample volume to provide reliable, accurate results. 
  • Perform consistently: Cuvettes are manufactured from highquality materials, and are grouped by manufacturing mold cavity number to ensure the lowest variation in extinction coefficient. 
  • Manufactured by BRAND: One of the world’s largest producers of cuvettes, BRAND’s nearly thirty years of quality cuvette manufacturing experience is your assurance of reliability.


Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the light path of the BRAND cuvettes?  All BRAND cuvettes have a light path of 10mm.

What is the difference between your PS, PMMA and UV-Cuvettes?  Polystyrene (PS) cuvettes are the least expensive, however they have the lowest chemical resistance, and are only suitable for visible light applications, with a lower wavelength limit of around 340nm.   Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA or "acrylic") cuvettes extend that range to about 300nm, or slightly into the near UV range, and have slightly greater chemical compatibility.  BRAND UV-Cuvettes use a proprietary plastic to allow measurement as low as 230nm, and has resistance to many polar organics as well as many acids and bases.

What does "mold cavity matched" mean?  Cuvettes are injection molded plastic.  No matter how close the tolerances are in the molds, there will be some variance. BRAND cuvettes are sorted during the manufacturing process so that each package of cuvettes contains only cuvettes made from the same mold, minimizing the cuvette-to-cuvette variance.

What is the maximum temperature the PMMA cuvettes can tolerate?  The PMMA curvettes should not be used at temperatures above 70°C 


About fluorescence measurement:

Fluorescence occurs when energy is supplied to a sample by electromagnetic radiation, usually UV-light (photons). The energy “excites” the molecules thereby “kicking” an electron of an atom from a lower energy state into an excited higher energy state.  The lifetime of the excited state is very short (1-100ns).  When the electron falls back to a lower energy state it releases the energy in the form of light i.e. fluorescence.  Some of the fluorescent light passes through a monochromator and then reaches a detector.  The fluorescent light is emitted in all directions, however the detector is usually placed at 90° to the excitation light beam to minimize interference.  Hence the need for four-sided clear cuvettes for fluorescence applications.
Technical Specifications:
Filling Vol.
Pack of
Cat. No.
Dimensions, mm Path, mm Range of Application PS
 PS Macro
10 x 35
759070D 300-900nm

Plastic Cuvette Chemical Compatibility Chart:

Chemical PS PMMA UV
Acetic acid (96%) Poor Poor Excellent
Acetone Poor Poor Excellent
Acetonitrile Poor Poor Excellent
Benzene Poor Poor Poor
Butanone (methyl ethyl ketone, MEK) Poor Poor Excellent
Carbon Tetrachloride Poor Poor Poor
Chloroform Poor Poor Poor
Diethy Ether Poor Poor Marginal
Dimethyl Sulfoxide Marginal Poor Excellent
Ethanol Poor Poor Excellent
Formaldehye (40%) Poor Poor Excellent
Heptane Poor Marginal Poor
Hexane Poor Excellent Poor
Hydrochloric Acid (32%) Marginal Poor Excellent
Isopropanol Marginal Marginal Excellent
n-Pentane Poor Poor Poor
Oleic Acid Poor Poor Poor
Perchloric Acid (10%) Poor Poor Excellent
Petroleum Ether Poor Poor Marginal
Phenol Poor Poor Excellent
Sodium Hydroxide Excellent Poor Excellent
Sulfuric Acid Poor Poor Excellent
Trichloroacetic Acid Poor Poor Excellent
Trichloroethylene Poor Poor Poor
Toluene Poor Poor Poor
More Information
Technical Specifications
 Material Filling Vol. Window Light Pack of Cat. No. Macro
Min. Max. Dimensions, mm Path, mm Range of Application PMMA
 PS Macro 2.5 4.5 10 x 35 10 500 759070D 340-900nm
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